A.I. Code For Translators
Create useful Chatgpt Prompts and Codes
Now Open for Enrollment!
Deepseek vs. ChatpGPT comparison!
This innovative course is designed to empower translators, giving you the skills to harness AI technology. Here's what you can expect:
✅ Create your own "Prompt library"
✅ Teach ChatGPT to create its own Prompts
✅ Create Glossary Charts that export to Word/Excel/etc
✅ Customize the Prompts to YOUR needs!
✅ Reposition yourself as a specialist in culture, language, and communication
Also includes:
✅ Uncertainty table (highlighting potential problem terms)
✅ Incorporation of online resources according to specialization
✅ Translation Prompt Code you can use
✅ Exercises you can easily follow for Glossary creation, Change of tone, etc.
The enemy isn't A.I., it's the clients' attitude toward A.I. (and here we learn how to deal with it)
Take the full course at your own pace.
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Start the Course now!
Here’s the reality: AI is a tool 🛠️, not a sentient being.
While this tool can be extremely useful in the hands of a professional translator, it can be quite dangerous in the hands of an amateur who is not aware of issues with confidentiality, liability, hallucinations, etc.
Learn to master this tool and use it to Your Advantage!
✅ Translation Prompt Code you can copy and paste
✅ Draft Translation + Verification + Final Translation
✅ Uncertainty table (highlighting potential problem terms)
✅ Consultation of major EU, Swiss and United States legal dictionaries and resources
✅ Online consultation with translation dictionaries
✅ All steps are displayed for your review
✅ Contact me if you wish for specific online/offline sources to be applied!
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