A.I. Code For Translators
CourseCreate useful Chatgpt Prompts and Codes
Now Open for Enrollment!$47
How to become a Freelance Translator
CourseFind success as a Freelance Translator
Work on your own schedule and terms
Stay ahead with AI and modern strategies
With Temporary Bonus Material! (See below)$87
How to Set up Your Own Translation Agency
CourseHow to Expand from Freelance Translation.... past 6 figures.
How to Network for Introverts
CourseDo you find excuses not to attend events?
Making promises to yourself that you'll go in the future?
Tell yourself that you'll do marketing online?
Well, then this course is for you.$77
How to Live Abroad (Digital Nomad: The Future of Travel)
CourseImagine you could pick a country, relocate there & live there like a local. Then, 6 months later, you pick another country to move to and do the same all over again. Your professional life could continue as before & you can bring your spouse along.
Everything Bundle
BundleEvery Course on this Platform
All you need for your Career!$887