Course curriculum

    1. 1 - Intro

    2. 17 - Coronavirus Update

    3. 18 - Webinars

    4. 20 - LinkedIn

    5. 22 - What if you say something dumb?

    1. Which Events?

    2. Which Events (Non-professional)?

    3. What should I prepare Beforehand?

    4. Leading vs. Lagging Indicators

    5. Set a Goal for the Event

    1. You're at the Event, Now what?

    2. You're at the Event, now what (2)?

    3. You're at the event, now what (Speaker event)?

    4. Yes but how do I talk to people?

    5. Yes but how do I talk to people? (2)

    6. Yes but how do I talk to people? (3)

    1. Ok Event Over. Now what?

    1. Some Bonus Tips

    2. I'm still feeling insecure!

    3. Thank you, and Future Lessons

    1. Coronavirus Update

    2. Webinars

    3. Webinars (2)

    4. LinkedIn

    5. Webinars (Extra)

    6. What if you say something dumb?

About this course

  • $77.00
  • 26 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Social proof: testimonials

“Extremely useful if you have no clue what to do in a Networking event!”

“I feel like it gave non-obvious helpful examples of how to navigate networking”

“It was an interesting course which has opened my eyes into how to get positive results from attending events either online or offline.”

“This was a helpful course. Really nice to see some strategies here that can be easily implemented. Well thought out. I can definitely tell that you have a lot of experience attending these networking events.”

“Good straight forward content.”

“Yes, it is a nice lesson to me to learn due to it relevant to the major that i take at the university. It enhances my ability to think more critically.”

Who am I?

Thanks for asking!

I'm an Italian-English translator who has now founded his own translation agency and provides consulting to international small businesses. Ever since I can remember I've had the travel bug, and working online allowed me to live in different places while continuing to operate entirely remotely, before the term "Digital Nomad" became trendy. I've been building this business while living around the world with my wife, from Shanghai to Tuscany to Washington D.C. My courses discuss the lessons I've learned along the way.

If you are serious about building a business and serious about living internationally this collection of courses is your best resource.

Still have questions?? Email me at: Course[AT]Luganotranslations[DOT]com

You can also add me on Linkedin at