How to Network for Introverts
Do you find excuses not to attend events?
Making promises to yourself that you'll go in the future?
Tell yourself that you'll do marketing online?
Well, then this course is for you.
1 - Intro
17 - Coronavirus Update
18 - Webinars
20 - LinkedIn
22 - What if you say something dumb?
Which Events?
Which Events (Non-professional)?
What should I prepare Beforehand?
Leading vs. Lagging Indicators
Set a Goal for the Event
You're at the Event, Now what?
You're at the Event, now what (2)?
You're at the event, now what (Speaker event)?
Yes but how do I talk to people?
Yes but how do I talk to people? (2)
Yes but how do I talk to people? (3)
Ok Event Over. Now what?
Some Bonus Tips
I'm still feeling insecure!
Thank you, and Future Lessons
Coronavirus Update
Webinars (2)
Webinars (Extra)
What if you say something dumb?
Thanks for asking!