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See what Other Students have to say about the Course here below

“This course has been thorough in considering many of the aspects of language learning and tools to consider. Once organized and set on a schedule, the student can begin reaching various levels of fluency. I was not familiar with the Kaizen method, but will be incorporating it into my learning. The teacher provides a sample detailed daily learning schedule that can be utilized alongside the various modules.”

“It is really good to spell out why children learn quicker than adults Really fantastic to learn about Google translation issues, and so many more tips especially the use of flash cards”

“I found a lot of added value in this course, specially the flashcards and the trigger sentences which blew my mind to be honest. Instructor is open for questions and not stingy with his information.”

“This class exceeded my expectations! I recommend it for All Levels.”

“I was an English language and literature major in university, who minored in French and lived in Japan. This class reminded me a lot of some of the basic principles from my linguistics and French classes, as well as some of the more "organic" methods of language learning that I picked up while living in Japan. It's good for beginners because it explains how to approach learning languages in general (because once you unlock that skill it can be used broadly), and it's good for intermediate or advanced learners who are looking for ways to refine their learning methods and just fish for new ideas to shake up old routines, though I would say it's mostly geared toward people who are beginning, but don't know what's involved and the effort that is required to make notable progress. The instruction here does a nice job of keeping it real and helping set up a structure because all four components of language study are necessary to be proficient. I look forward to seeing if the instruction here helps me fit Japanese studies back into my life again with better organization than I had in previous attempts to restudy.”

“o melhor curso de ingês que ja fiz.”

“Very good tips and ideas. Strong systematic approach to learning and review.”

“Excellent tutor, awesome course content, highly recommended!”

Who is the instructor?

Originally from Switzerland 🇨🇭, Robert has served as Treasurer for the Carolina Association of Translators and Interpreters (CATI), was a member of the board for the Swiss Association of Charlotte, and has written several books on Freelance Translation.

He has been a featured speaker at ATA-sponsored events, as well as the New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters Annual Conference.

He worked in banking, market research, and received a Master’s degree (M.P.A.) from Cornell University in Finance. After this, he set out to build a career as a Freelance Translator and gradually set up his own Translation Agency, Lugano Translations.

Have questions?? Email me at: Course[AT]Luganotranslations[DOT]com

You can also add me on Linkedin here:

Do you think you're too old to Learn a new Language?

Think Again


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is this course for?

    This course is for anyone who wishes to learn a new language, no matter what your age, and no matter what the language.

  • What will I learn in this course?

    You will learn how to create a system that works, taking into account your goal(s) in learning the new language, as well as how to divide what is needed (listening, speaking, reading, writing).

  • How long is the course?

    The Course is self-paced, so take it at your own speed! It does, however, give suggested time frames for getting started, so you can schedule accordingly.

  • For how long will I have access to the course?

    Once you sign up, you will ALWAYS have access to the course, including any future updates!

The focus of this course is to be Practical and Actionable

The "theory" here is kept to a minimum. The goal is to guide you through your Language Learning journey

Course curriculum

    1. Unedited Introduction

    2. Why "As an Adult"?

    3. 2 - This Works for ALL Languages?

    1. Have You Picked Your Language?

    2. Your Goal

    3. How to Learn (Auditory, Visual, Tactile)

    1. 7 - Listening

    2. Listening 2

    3. Listening - Speed

    4. Listening - Subtitles

    5. Listening - Songs

    6. Listening - Songs - Verbs

    7. Listening - Commercials

    8. Quiz: Guess what the commercial is about

    1. Speaking

    2. Speaking - Expressions

    3. Speaking - Pronunciation

    4. Using "but"

    1. Reading

    2. Reading - What can You Read?

    3. Reading - Reward Yourself!

    4. Reading - Change it up!

    5. Reading - Staggering Textbook Lessons

About this course

  • $57.00
  • 58 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content